Returns, Exchange & Refund
Returns, Exchange & Refund
We are trying hard to serve your order to your appropriate products and sizes. In case if you received the wrong product or it's unfit to your size, you can exchange your product within 7 days of delivery.
- Your Pickup will be arranged by Customer Itself within 2-3 working days of your request.
- All Products must be unused, unwashed and returned with the original packing & tags when we receive it.
In case, the order does not meet the above conditions exchange request will not be processed and your order will be sent back to your picked up address.
*In case of an exchange, if the size is not available, you can place a refund request which will proceed as refund policy. No other product can be exchanged on behalf of the same.
We are working hard to provide you the latest fashion at affordable rates with Best quality fabric. If you didn't like the product or it's not to your expectations simply return the product within 7 days of delivery.
We can arrange a pick-up for you with an easy online return process.
- Login to your My Orders section at
- Select the Order and click Return Product
To return the product now, *Shipping Charges and COD charges charged at the time of placing the order is non- refundable.
*We shall charge you shipping charges of Rs.150 in case of reverse pick up the same shall be deducted from your refund.
Important Points to remember,
- Return request needs to be within 7 days of the delivery date.
- Your Pickup will be done in 2-3 working days.
- All returned products must be unused or unwashed or undamaged and return with the original packing and tags when we receive it. Items without tags will not be accepted.
- The refund is subject to your returns met the above conditions else returns will not be accepted.
In case you receive a damaged / defective product, we should be notified within 24 hours of delivery. Also, we request you to email us a photograph of the damaged / defective product. In case you fail to intimate about the same, return might not be processed.
Refund Policy
Amount Refund:
1. If you cancel the Order on the same day you orders, the full amount will be refunded to you includes shipping charges and COD charges if any.
2. If you return the product, shipping charges and COD charges charged at the time while placing the order will be deducted. Also, the Reverse Shipping charges of Rs.150 will be charged and the balance amount will be refunded to you.
Mode of Refund:
1. Prepaid Orders: The amount will be refunded to the same account from which the order has been placed. Once we received the product, the amount will be processed in 1-2 working days. Your money will be reflected in your account in 5-7 working days.
2. COD Orders: The amount will be transferred to the Bank Account mentioned while placing the Return Request and your amount will be reflected in your account within 7 working days of the details.
3. Wallet Method: In case of wrong Bank Details intimation will be sent for the same. If we didn't receive a reply for the same in 7 days the amount will be transferred to your Paytm Wallet.
*For Every used or inappropriate product received in Returns from the customer will be returned back to the customer and shipping will be charged.
*In case of Pincode is not serviceable for returns, the customer has to make self courier to mentioned warehouse address, and Return Shipping charges will not be debited.